
5 Natural Ways to Boost Immunity + How I Fight Colds

It's that time of year...everyone seems to be coughing, sniffling, sneezing, or just out for the count and home sick! I've been battling a congestion cold the last few days which got me thinking about how I rarely (like hardly ever) get a cold or illness. Soooo, why do I have a cold? I must have picked something up at a recent trip to the gym, and I believe my immune system didn't fight it off because I hadn't been regularly taking my daily dose of elderberry syrup, I wasn't regularly taking my probiotic, I had an increase in the amount of sugar I normally consume (hello brownie recipe development!); plus I have a 4 month old so my sleep has been interrupted more than typical. I know, some of you are probably reading this and calling me crazy. Everyone is prone to get a cold from time to time and although I think that is accurate, there are definitely things you can do to improve your immunity in hopes of fighting the virus or bacteria off more quickly. I don't want to make this too complicated or lengthy, but if you'd like a more scientific reasoning behind these tips please head over to this blog post. Let's dive in!

5 Natural Ways to Boost Immunity

1) Take a probiotic regularly!

Your gut has billions of bacteria that make up your guy flora. These tiny organisms can greatly help increase your immunity and ward off the bad guys. There are A LOT of different probiotics out there and everyone may require something slightly different based on your genes and current gut flora. If you're looking to start a probiotic I recommend one that has multiple strains like BioKult or Just Thrive probiotics. These should both be taken with a meal. In addition, you can eat probiotic rich foods like yogurt, sauerkraut (found in the refrigerated section), and kombucha.

2) Get outside AND take a vitamin D supplement (especially in the winter months)

It's probably safe to say that most of us live above the equator making our daily dose of sunshine way less obtainable. Vitamin D has been shown to reduce your risk of getting a cold or the flu. Adults should consume 2000-5000 IUs a day (especially if you are pregnant). I recommend supplementing with a high quality source of vitamin D. If you prefer a capsule this is a trusted company. Foods high in vitamin D are egg yolk, fatty fish like salmon, grass-fed meats, cheese, and butter.

3) Take elderberry syrup every day as a precaution.

The recommend dose is 1 teaspoon per day for adults and if you are sick you can take 3-4 TBSPs spaced throughout a day. Elderberry syrup is one of the most studied natural remedies and has been proven to shorten the duration of colds/illness. Elderberries are full of antioxidants and immune-boosting compounds. I personally make my own elderberry syrup using Wellness Mama's recipe. I buy these organic elderberries from Amazon and then follow her Instant Pot recipe instructions. I store the syrup in small mason jars, freezing all but 1 at a time. If you don't want to make your own, Gaia makes a great organic syrup that can be found at Whole Foods and most grocery stores. And for kids I recommend this.

4) Incorporate some bone broth into your diet.

Bone broth is very similar to your typical chicken/beef broth except that the bones are simmered for an extensive period (usually 24 hours if using a slow cooker or 90 minutes using a pressure cooker). When sipping bone broth made from grass-fed animals you'll be consuming gut-healing compounds like collagen and glutamine. It's also packed with important minerals and electrolytes. If you don't want to make your own here are some recommended brands that you can find in stores of online: Bonafide Provisions and Kettle and Fire.

5) least 7 hours per night.

Yes, it's simple: our bodies were designed to recharge through restful sleep. It's hard-wired in; you need to sleep in order for your organs to function properly. The experts say to aim for at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep, but 8-9 is ideal. If you have trouble falling or staying asleep check out these tips.


In addition to the items above, I am currently fighting my congestion cold with:

1) Vitamin C - I’ve increased my consumption of citrus fruits and bell peppers, as well and take a quality supplement.

2) Zinc - may help reduce the length of the cold. Only take when you feel a cold coming on though as zinc competes with cooper and you don’t want to deplete your cooper stores.

3) Echinacea - is an herb that has been used in medicinal remedies for centuries. It works to fight infections. At the first sign of a sore throat or cough I take a dropper full in a bit of water (you can put it in tea or juice if you wish).

4) Teas - I like to add lemon or honey to tea as these both help sooth my throat. This lemon ginger tea is great as well as this echinacea elderberry tea. If I wasn’t nursing right now I would make what I call my “cold shot”. I take the juice from 1/2 a lemon, add 1 TBSP honey, 1 large garlic clove minced, and 1/2 TBSP apple cider vinegar. Stir and chug…it’s gross but I swear by it. I just know that eating raw garlic right now would really upset Eli’s tummy.